Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Anyone know a good tailor who'll do a rush alternation job on a blouse?

And for today's lesson

Every once in a while, I type random words into the browser URL window, or in the little google search thingy, just to see where it will take me.

Today I typed in the word 'boop'. Now, to me, boop is the sound the inside of my head makes when I headbutt people. Apparently, I'm the only one that thinks so.

Here's what I found, thanks to the Powers that Be (aka: Google).

1) Bronchiolar Airway Disorders and Bronchitis Obliterans.

2) Bronchiolitis Obliterans and Organizing Pnenumonia. Apparently Pneumonia is the mastermind behind this Obliterans business.

3) Something about a Boop toolkit v0.42. A.k.a the worst marketing ever. Who comes up with a new version of something and doesn't even give it a full 0.5 - 1.0 rating increase? Who the hell is going to buy a v0.42?

4) The Official Betty Boop site. Finally, something that isn't oozing phelgm or aimed at 5 computer geeks somewhere that actually care about how much better v 0.42 is over v 0.41.
Did you know you can get Betty branded vodka martini mixed drinks? Or that if you enter a contest before April, you can win special Betty Boop fuzzy slippers? Betcha didn't.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Of Boobz and Babiez

Anna Nicole, bless her silicon filled boobs, has now officially 'died of an accidental drug overdose', according to the BBC. Which is such a pity, cos you know, noone ever dies of the on-purpose drug overdoses.


Sometimes people really need to think these headlines through.

In other, infinitely more exciting news, my Jellybean is almost here!! *dances* I'm going to be a godmomma! Whee!

Monday, March 26, 2007


I'm getting excited. I never had one when I graduated high school, and so this is cool. We got hotel rooms to pre/ after party in, and in liue of an actual limo, we're going in Colin's black beauty.

AAnd.. we're at the cool people table!!

All I need is for my damn sari to show up.

ETA: Okay, fair enough. A bunch of the cool people going are at my table. But there are others coming too. So, for those of you that still want to sit with fun people, you still have a chance.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Meltdowns are the new vag

All these past couple of weeks, I've been inundated with information (sought out or otherwise) about Hollywood types checking in and out of rehab. Apparently, publicity stunts are like fashion, everything is cyclical, and now we're well past the 'show the world your naughty bits' phase, and are right back to tried-and-tested rehab.

What bothers me more isn't that they're making the rounds of Betty Ford or whichever Fiji water facility is the flavour of the month. If you're messed up and get help, more power to ya. However, when you go, leave, go back, leave to party and binge out, go back, leave again, and its glamourized by all and sundry, what's to prevent an impressionable 14 year old to grow up thinking this is cool?

okay, now i'm pissed off at something, so i'm going to cut this short. bah.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Sssmarter than the average Canadian...

So I took the CBC's online IQ test thinger, at 4 AM. My math skillz are not as poor as I thought, I guess all that GMAT practice came in handy. The Canadian average is 100 (based on age, and apparently, how many siblings one has), and I got a 124.

G'wan. Give it a go.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ready, set, shmooze!

Last night, an absolutely lovely woman who I'd never met before but is a family friend took me to a networking event she'd organized for South Asian Professionals who were primarily in Advertising, Marketing, Branding and Media here. While it was well organized and well attended, it was entirely informal, no suits, no wine/cheese in sight, just good old fashioned shmoozing.

I collected more business cards and got more request for my resume, and set up more meetings last night than I have thus far at Schulich. If I were a finance or consulting person, that would not have been the case. If the career centre gave an honest rat's arse about marketing/ media/ advertising people, we'd have been in better shape. But, I'm not going to complain. The backbone of this industry is networking, and I'm fully amenable to doing it. If I want a career in this field, I have to put myself out there, meet and talk to people, leverage professors and the alumni network (hah!) and use the fact that I (almost) have a Schulich MBA. After all, all Schulich MBA degrees are equal.

Some are just more equal than others.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The celery stole my soup

So I tried to make soup yesterday. Almost from scratch. I made the chicken broth myself, chopped and did the veggie thing, I added the broth, the pasta, the rice and all sorts of other good stuff. Nice, big pot full of soup. Until I went back to it about an hour after I'd put off the heat - all the vegetables and pasta and whatnot stole my soup!

Anyone want very tasty chicken and vegetable stew? This is all Al's fault really.

In other news, my shrimp in coconut curry was brilliant as usual. Can one ever really go wrong with a coconut curry?

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I'm currently reading (yes, reading!) is 'Death by Black Hole and Other Cosmic Quandries' by Neil Tyson, a director at the Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History in NY. What I like about this book so far is that it delves fairly deep into astrophysics, but is written so the layman can understand it, and without sounding the least bit condescending. You should check it out.

I also love it because he could keep pace with Jon Stewart where many of his ilk have fallen miserably.

Part 1
Part 2

The best quote of this book so far:
"What are the lessons to be learned from this journey of the mind? That humans are emotionally fragile, perennially gullible, hopelessly ignorant masters of an insignificantly small speck in the cosmos.
Have a nice day."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

My sooper sekrit vice

America's Next Top Model.


I feel better.

I don't even watch it on TV, I watch episodes on youtube, but I do it practically every week. I have no idea why I like it, why I care about whose pictures are the best this week, and who fell apart during the photo shoot. I do like Tyra Banks' megalomania though.


Does anyone else just feel like utter and complete crap? Someone make spring come already.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

As requested

This one's for Yousef. I'm mounting these around my apartment as soon as I find frames I like. I know they're not terribly artsy, but with a 5 MP digicam and my limited talents, one takes what one can get.


If it's going to be stuck in my head, I'm gonna inflict it on all y'all. Nyah.

In other news, my brain refuses to write a 250 word case position paper so I can move on and magically start and finish a 6 page case position paper. Did I mention it's due tomorrow and I have two classes between now and the time the last class of the day begins?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I got photos printed yesterday, at Walmart no less. I got some artsy 5x7" prints and a bunch of 4x6" ones just for keeps. Don't get me wrong, I adore the freedom and cost effectiveness of a digital camera, but there's really nothing like being able to touch a memory with your fingers.

Now all I have to do is find a way to hang up my cool new 8-photo frame that didn't come with hangy things. Does anyone have hangy things (like screws and such-like) that they want to donate?

Also, we got to go to Alice Fazooli's for dinner while we waited for the pictures to get developed, where the food was great, as always.

Monday, March 12, 2007


I know it's obnoxiously late, but as my morning meeting got mercifully cancelled and all I have to do tomorrow morning is help out with the blood drive, I can sleep in a little.

This weekend was utter bliss. On Friday we had a Pichard Party (TM), which as lovely as usual. On Saturday however, I took a Day Off. Now, there are days when one doesn't do a single thing, but has full intentions of doing Something, yet somehow procrastination kicks in and nothing gets done. That is not a day off. A Day Off is planned, anticipated and thoroughly enjoyed without an ounce of guilt.

Here's how it works. Pick a day when you have no meetings, classes or other committments. Doesn't count if you have one meeting or a teeny tiny appointment. Pick a day, give yourself a couple of days to look forward to it, if you can, and on that day don't pick up the phone, don't check your email, don't do an iota of work. Sleep in, laze about, eat out (so you don't have to cook or clean up), do whatever you love to do (in my case, shopping or wandering about in bookstores), and then go to bed early. I kid you not, it's a beautiful thing.

Today was an unplanned Day Off however, so I suppose it doensn't count. Can't go about breaking my own rules, can I? Shaker and Zied (the visitor from Laval) picked me up and we went to Lettieri in Yorkville, sat outside with our beverages and enjoyed the first warm, sunny day of the year.

Then, Shaker and I had the most delicious grilled salmon sandwich at a deli at Bay and Bloor, after which we wandered about town, before meeting back up with Zied and the gang for Pakistani food down at Gerard Street. I had Haleem after yonks and though it wasn't as good as home cooked, it did not suck.

So all in all, my weekend was lovely. I hope yours was too.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Steph wrote this post on her lubbly blog that I had been ignoring terribly of late, but now I'm converting it into a meme, so anyone can gack it. Yes, I am using blog!speak.

The '20 Random Things I love' meme (in no particular order)

1) Havana ( I know, I know)
2) The smell of rain on very dry earth
3) Mom's roti's
4) Apple Pie
5) Sunsets
6) Pressed wildflowers
7) Cherries
8) Cold strawberries on a summer day
9) Indian food (no kidding)
10) A big, comfortable bed with soft, fluffy bed linens
11) Jazz
12) Sunday mornings
13) Carrots and celery with ranch dressing
14) Gummy bears and gummy worms
15) My brother's alter ego when he was 8 years old: The irate pirate
16) Dancing
17) Clothes
18) Shoes
19) Purses and accessories. I'll stop now with the shopping.
20) Thai Food

What are 20 random things that YOU love?

This one's for Steph and Aruna.

So I've been instructed to post more. However save for bitchy rants about how much ass life has sucked since we got back from Cuba, thanks to Brand Management, random projects and of course, 601, there isn't much to tell.

We had a Cuban reunion where people smoked cigars out on the patio of the Sutra Lounge on College street. It was just like Cuba, other than the fact that there were 6 inches of ice on the patio. The lounge was really nice though, must go back when the weather's warmer.

I did laundry today. I can't emphasize how much I hate doing laundry. Mom can attest to this, I've bitched and moaned and complained without fail every time I've had to do it at home, and here is no different. The trick is to buy enough socks so as to not have to do laundry for at least 3 weeks at a time.

My dad is in surgery right now. I hope he's doing okay. I told him that if he was brave, he'd get a cookie. Someone better deliver.

On a side note, remember the girl I mentioned a while ago that killed herself because her best friend hooked up with her ex-boyfriend like, 5 days after they'd broken up (or maybe even before)? Well, best friend (who is henceforth referred to as Bottom-Heavy Skeletal Bitch or BITCA) and ex-boyfriend (aka Rat-Bastard) are now happily dating when the poor deluded girl isn't even cold in her grave. I don't know what the etiquette is here, but shouldn't they have waited at least a few months before inducing more bad karma on themselves?

Thought for the day: People are shitty. Also, we're living in bizarro world where the girlfriend of a wonderful, smart, nice and very hot guy friend of mine is carrying on a not-so-secret affair with his best friend who has the estimated IQ of a potted ficus (henceforth known as Rat-Bastard, the Remix).

That is all for now. I want carrots, though I shouldn't be eating this late.. I have yet another 601 meeting tomorrow at 9 AM. I love my group, but this project makes me angry.