Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I can't stop writing on walls...

Could Facebook be any more addictive?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My over really is whelmed now

Like I said, Al, be careful what you wish for...

"The one with the hair and the smile
It’s not Jon, or Micheal or Kyle
It’s the guy with the dimple and never a pimple
The one that all the girls dial

It'a Albert, or Al, but never Bert
The one who knows all the dirt
He might tell you a treat if you give him something to eat
And he always wears a clean shirt."

-- (c) 2007, Stephanie Marshall, All Rights Reserved

And they keep comin'

Here's one from Natalia... I had to give it full props

PS: Nat, his full name is Albert. Albert T*****w Lee

"Not only is Al dressed up for success,
but much can be said of his mentioned prowess,
For so often ladies will buckle and swoon,
In the heart of dear Al (bless him) there's room!
He's dashing, debonair with a taste for things fine,
Ladies, don't wait a minute, step up! get in line!"

-- (c) 2007, Natalia Lobach, All Rights Reserved

Al, how we love thee

There once was a man from the east
Who drove his Skyline like a beast
I asked for a ride
I thought I'd died
And now on Kimchi we feast

-- (c) 2007, Colin A Attar, All Rights Reserved.

Ode to Al

Oh what is there to be said about Al?
By all accounts, he's been a great pal
He's tall, and handsome
And guess what, he's single
And what do you know, ladies
He's ready to mingle
He eats his spinach
And carrots and peas
He opens the door
And says 'thank you' and 'please'
So give him a shout
I think you should
He's a prize, our Albert
The little Asian that could!

So what if my skillz with iambic pentameter are a little rusty. English, she iz my bitch.

And baby makes five

So I'm up to working on 5 live projects this semester. I'd list the companies, but then I'd have to kill you. That is, if the corporate underworld doesn't kill me first. Them, or the workload.

They're really cool though.

Well, shit.

Welcome to The Bad Place. Population: me.

Keya, if you ever read this, this is all your fault. And now I'm having naughty thoughts about an 18 year old. Somewhere, karma is laughing at me.

In other news, someone I know killed themselves over a boy and a very cliche'd, sordid love triangle yesterday. So sad, such a waste. Not that I'd pretend to know what they went through, but there's an element of utter selfishness in committing suicide that is very underrated. People don't realise that they might escape, but they leave behind those that have to suffer the consequences of their actions for their entire lives. Be that as it may, rest in peace MunMun.

The rest of my day wasn't too bad, I got Starbucks for my WOM Project, my B!G Exec meeting went really well, and someone who I was hoping would simply reply to my email actually called me back. Then I came home and made two things for dinner, both of which turned out well.
1) Cashew chicken with chilli jam
2) Basil Chicken in a tomato and feta cheese sauce

Also, everyone should check out Mighty Leaf teas. Tea in a silk teabag. It's a beautiful thing.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bad Lola

I'm procrastinating. I have many, many things to do, and I don't want to do any of them. I want to laze about, watch bad weekend TV, drink cafe noisette and eat things dripping with chocolate.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Awash in a sea of B's

I seriously recommend that anyone that ever bitched/ complained about their MGMT 5150 marks, or the marking to actually correct some papers. Then you'll know. Where such bright sparks come from, I shudder to think.

In other news, Cuba !

My Cuban name is Lola (aka Good Cop)
Steff is Counsuela Cochita (aka Bad Cop)
Nat is Nina
Mike is Alphonso
Murali is Marcelo
Colin is Carlos

What's YOUR Cuban name?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

*flops about ineffectually*

What's the one thing you absolutely do not want to do after having sat through close to 9 hours of class in one day?

Study more, that's what.

And yet I have to. I have 601 stuff, completely and utterly useless stuff for Strategic Market Planning (I swear, those worksheets make me feel like I'm back in elementary school where they gave out math practice sheets to the slow kids), B!G stuff, and crap knows what else.

In more positive news, K is coming home to cook us some salmon. In negative news, it's now close to midnight and I can't eat it. In more negative news, I ate fries today. Lots of them. So much for the Cuba diet.

In other news, I think I came off as vaguely intelligent in front of cool marketing dude in my WOM class. Also, Prof. Kozinets is cool.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Finally... another online product for the boys


Miss Dewey (I kid you not), will take care of all your needs.

She looks Indian though, so some wierd part of me is a little proud. I try and keep that part squashed under a chair.


So I'm sitting here in E-Commerce/ High Technology marketing and learning about the wonder that is Bionicles.

I need more celery and ranch dressing. I can't believe I'm missing the return of Veronica Mars for this.

Shut up, I happen to like it. You lot watch American Idol, don't you?


Everyone needs to go over and read my friend Dee's blog on Myspace. It's hilarious and I have a total crush on his writing.

G'wan then. Shoo.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Food TV

Is anyone else out there completely obsessed with watching the Food Network? It's like my new crack.
Favourite shows include
- JAMIE OLIVER (who is Teh Hawt)
- Giada Di Laurentis' show
- Chef at Home (you can get some great information about the properties and various qualities of different, everyday foods and spices and such)
- Sugar (for my sweet fix)

It's strange, but I actually feel full after I've watched a show from start to finish, feels like I've cooked (or sorta helped) and eaten a meal - it's sorta the experience of it. Also, ALWAYS watch on a full stomach, or while eating something like carrots and celery or something.

And in Cuba news...

Things are moving along swimmingly... we're to depart on the Friday before reading week and return the Friday of. Yay us and yay everyone that is coming along, we're going to have a fantastic time!

Also a special thank you to Steff who has pretty much done most of the organizing herself.

Back to the grind

I know, I know, I've been awful with updating this thing. In my defense though, I was out of town this past weekend.

Deerhurst was a blast, Jess is awesome for getting the whole thing together, and I got to be a bartender! Yup, certified and everything, and someone even complemented me on being able to dance around to the music and serve at the same time. It's all about the presentation, really. We were expecting to be inundated with boozards, but it was calmer than we expected. Everyone still managed to get fairly mashed, but Colin still found the time to cover me with masking tape. At this point, I've found it easier just not to ask questions.

Back to school, and the vast array of things I have to do that I've been putting off ... I really do have to some schoolwork at some point and get myself organized. Not to mention the ever present job search hanging over my head. Which I will commence at some point. Really.


Someone hire me!!


Saturday, January 13, 2007

...aaaand we're back

It's been a few days since my last post, but fear not wooblets, for I have returned. A little older, a little sicker but still little. Here's a recap for those that have missed episodes in the Life of Hope
  1. I am back in the Toronto
  2. I have moved to another apartment, next building over. New place is bigger, cheaper and nicer, and I have an actual bedroom again, yayz. Did I mention I have a walk in closet?
  3. I have an inordinate, inexplicable amount of shit. I swear, I think my stuff hooks up when I'm not around and has little stuff babies.
  4. Last semester has started - 4 more months of Schulich and then it's back to the real world. Someone give me a job, damnit, otherwise I'll have to move to another country and nobody wants that, now do we?
  5. CUBA for Spring Break!! (Well, reading week, but I can pretend to be cool if I want to) Ask me or Steff Rota for details, it's going to be brilliant.
Can anyone actually live at IKEA? I want to. If anyone's tried, let me know how it went.

Okay, more writing later, I have to go make with the waking up now. The plan for today is to be terribly productive, go to the gym (let the CUBA diet/ fitness regimen commence!), and unpack all my stuff. Yes, I said all.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Should auld acquantainces be ferhgot

Okay, so my firefox browser mysteriously shut down, mid-post. Don't you hate when that happens?

Anyway, happy new year everyone. I decided, at the eleventh hour (the ninth really) to go out to a friend's cottage instead of partying. Which was all fine, except that I had happily invited a bunch of people over to my place to bring in the new year, but whatever. Point being, my new year's eve consisted of bonfires, barbeques (no, I wasn't a vegetarian yesterday), midnight drives in the forest, some very old friends, camping out in tents, and all that sort of thing. Fun stuff. Hope everyone else didn't party too hard, and if you did, I hope to hell there are pictures.

Tomorrow, I have to face the day from hell, which is to include assorted bloodletting (TWICE), a dentist appointment, a visit to the Road Transport Commission, and did I mention a dentist. My only hope of salvation is the high I plan to get from the novocaine or whatever they are going to pump me up with before drilling into what the stupid woman admitted was an un-cavitied tooth. Bitch.