Saturday, January 13, 2007

...aaaand we're back

It's been a few days since my last post, but fear not wooblets, for I have returned. A little older, a little sicker but still little. Here's a recap for those that have missed episodes in the Life of Hope
  1. I am back in the Toronto
  2. I have moved to another apartment, next building over. New place is bigger, cheaper and nicer, and I have an actual bedroom again, yayz. Did I mention I have a walk in closet?
  3. I have an inordinate, inexplicable amount of shit. I swear, I think my stuff hooks up when I'm not around and has little stuff babies.
  4. Last semester has started - 4 more months of Schulich and then it's back to the real world. Someone give me a job, damnit, otherwise I'll have to move to another country and nobody wants that, now do we?
  5. CUBA for Spring Break!! (Well, reading week, but I can pretend to be cool if I want to) Ask me or Steff Rota for details, it's going to be brilliant.
Can anyone actually live at IKEA? I want to. If anyone's tried, let me know how it went.

Okay, more writing later, I have to go make with the waking up now. The plan for today is to be terribly productive, go to the gym (let the CUBA diet/ fitness regimen commence!), and unpack all my stuff. Yes, I said all.


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