Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today I attended one very very very long Relationship Marketing class, which was really only three hours long, but I seem to have the attention span of a gnat.

Then I learned about the hockeys, which was fun and all, but I think I liked watching the basketballs better. And now I have to deal with 5150 again. This semester CANNOT end fast enough, IMHO, and I so need to put a continent (or three) between me and this place for a while.

Also, I miss my brother. He makes strange noises and headbutts me when I don't pay attention to him and eats a lot of eggs and chucks me around and things. But I miss him. That is all.


I'm sick and I want my mommy. Being a grownup SUCKS.

Miss Piggy got tired of dieting

This is why I stay away from pork. So there, Colin.

ETA: Learned a new HTMLey thing today. Thanks, K.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oh Professor T, you never cease to amaze me.

In other news, I went to the gym today (again!). Two days in a row people! *is proud of self*

Plus ca change...

So like I said in the previous post, which you will read after this in an unfortunate quirk of modern technology, I was watching The Hour today. And George was talking about the radio talk show in the US hosted by a Jerry Klein. Now I'm not a big fan of talk radio and I'm not terribly religious or political in any way, but this was so ridiculous that I had to mention it.

Mr. Klein, in some strange attempt to bait his hapless audience, decided to claim that he supported the idea of branding all Mossies (Muslims to anyone that is not me) with a symbol to be worn at all times, like a crescent moon. That way they (or we, rather) are easily identifiable for noble purposes such as rounding up when the usual suspects are required, or protecting from pork or whatever.

Anyhoo, then he opened it up to phone calls, and while people called in both in agreement or dissent, there was one that I particularly loved. This chap, let's call him Jim-Bob, wanted all Mossies to be corralled and fenced in along with anyone of Arab descent. He didn't mention whether it was a dress code thing, so maybe there should be some sort of protection from wandering, confused toga-clad frat boys, but that's beside the point.

In the end, Klein came clean, saying that he was kidding, and he was sick at the though that anyone would agree with that idea, so all is right with the world again.

What really worries me is that the people that want to persecute other humans simply for being born black Muslim are the same ones that idolized this woman.

You KNOW you have a problem when Paris Hilton is trying to prevent you from spreading your legs. The C-section scar is particularly appealing. Team Britney, Y'all!

But What are we going to do about the crime? I know.. take it up with the CFO of Bell Globemedia!

I was watching 'The Hour' today on CBC and I have to say I love that show. Not just because I've had a crush on George since he worked at MuchMusic, but they have some genuinely interesting people on. I have a post to make about something I saw on that show, but it deserves a seperate entry.

Today was not a bad day overall. I had a meeting at noon during which Prof. P. basically ripped our presentation apart, but then helped us figure out how to make it good. Is this creative desctruction?

Whatever it is, there's really no feeling like having someone tell you in all seriousness that the things you spent the past 20 minutes talking about had no point and/or relevance whatsoever. Well, better him doing it now actually when there are no marks involved. I like Prof P. He's cool. And he carries two day planners around, which I find fascinating.

Secondly, I have to give a shout out to the self control exhibited by members of the Broadcast management class, even though most of them won't end up reading this. I know the crime is a serious problem, and the hair twirling and jiggle-bouncing are distracting but seriously.. Somebody Please think about the children!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


There's a mouse in my classroom!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I love Teh Basketballs

Today was the Raptors/Pacers game at the Air Canada Centre. Went with Steff, Steph, Oren and a bunch of other Schulichers, paid like 20 bucks and ended up sitting in the upper reaches of the galaxy where the noses don't even bother to bleed.

At halftime, we were like "screw this" and decided to try our luck with better seats, so walked down to the main level, cool as you please, and plonked ourselves down in seats right behind the DJ booth. No one asked us for tickets and they even featured us on that Jumbotron thingy. Twice!

So the moral of the story, kiddies, is that if you do gochies, you get on TV.

The game itself was fun though, and the mascots are hilarious. I want to be a mascot, the little inflatable one that bounces around the stadium. He was made of awesome.

PS: We won.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

And now for something completely random...

This is MADE of AWESOME.

Courtesy G4TV.

Naptime, and then some.

Has anyone ever decided to take a nap at about 5:30 PM one day and slept right until about 12 PM the following day? I did that last night, I guess it was my body's way of subtly hinting that I'm not getting enough rest these days.

That, or my duck really has magic powers and put a powerful sleeping spell on me. Either way I have a bitch of a sleep hangover. And then I woke up, and the world had disappeared.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

How's this for process?

Today we had a presentation to give. There's five of us in the group, and we have 20 minutes to come up with 5-6 slides of coherent, relationship marketing insight about an mBanx case and present it to someone that worked for them.

The first thing we do is inhale whiteboard markers for a while and discuss the merits of gasoline fumes over nail polish remover.

Then C***s has a fight with his computer, and we have take away his typing priveleges. Meanwhile, M**e and A* are cracking up and there's a serious debate over how to prop the door open to avoid a very suspicious buzzing sound (which I personally thought was emanating from C***s).

Anyway, somehow we get this thing together, the piece de resistance being the series of goats we garnished the presentation with.. and walk into class. Luckily we realised that we should probably avoid referring to the guest lecturer as a goat, so the goats were cancelled. We get up to the front, and halfway through the presentation, when S***f was tired of talking, we have to flip a coin (at the podium) because no one had actually thought about who was going to speak for the second half.

We really are a walking gong show at this point. Someone needs to stop our heads from exploding and spewing highly caffienated MBA babble everywhere.

At least their asses are hot

So I'm sitting down in Tuchner's with Dee, who is valiantly trying to explain the intricacies of American football. So far I know what a field goal is, what an interception is, how many points you get for a touchdown, and that you can bet on half points that don't actually exist.

I just wish I knew who the hell was playing.

Here we go again...

Well, I already have two other personal blogs that I ignore because I have no time, so why not start a third? This one's going to be meant for every day, MBA-related stuff though, which also makes perfect sense, seeing as I'm three quarters of the way through the program, but whatever.

So come on in, welcome, feel free to browse around, leave a comment or two if you like, put your feet up on the furniture, have some hot cocoa and read about what its like living on streams of hope.