I can't stop writing on walls...
Could Facebook be any more addictive?
Like I said, Al, be careful what you wish for...
Here's one from Natalia... I had to give it full props
There once was a man from the east
Oh what is there to be said about Al?
So I'm up to working on 5 live projects this semester. I'd list the companies, but then I'd have to kill you. That is, if the corporate underworld doesn't kill me first. Them, or the workload.
Welcome to The Bad Place. Population: me.
I'm procrastinating. I have many, many things to do, and I don't want to do any of them. I want to laze about, watch bad weekend TV, drink cafe noisette and eat things dripping with chocolate.
I seriously recommend that anyone that ever bitched/ complained about their MGMT 5150 marks, or the marking to actually correct some papers. Then you'll know. Where such bright sparks come from, I shudder to think.
What's the one thing you absolutely do not want to do after having sat through close to 9 hours of class in one day?
So I'm sitting here in E-Commerce/ High Technology marketing and learning about the wonder that is Bionicles.
Everyone needs to go over and read my friend Dee's blog on Myspace. It's hilarious and I have a total crush on his writing.
Is anyone else out there completely obsessed with watching the Food Network? It's like my new crack.
Things are moving along swimmingly... we're to depart on the Friday before reading week and return the Friday of. Yay us and yay everyone that is coming along, we're going to have a fantastic time!
I know, I know, I've been awful with updating this thing. In my defense though, I was out of town this past weekend.
It's been a few days since my last post, but fear not wooblets, for I have returned. A little older, a little sicker but still little. Here's a recap for those that have missed episodes in the Life of Hope
Okay, so my firefox browser mysteriously shut down, mid-post. Don't you hate when that happens?