Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Thoughts on Teh Sechs

Viz, in his infinite wisdom of all things penis-related, is teaching me the sooper seekrit language of men. Apparently it extends beyond 'beer', 'boob' and 'basketball'.

'hot' - arm candy, fling material
'beautiful' - what you take home to meet mother
'...' - the 'not hot' girl they're secretly hooking up with but would rather die than admit to

Apparently you can be one of the three, but rarely switch categories - within one man's point of view at least.

It's fascinating really. Think back to high school. The bitchiest of women were the ones you were the most afraid of. Unless you were bitchier than them. But chances are, those were the women you later found out had major self esteem issues - as demonstrated by (probably to this day) rampant bed-hopping.

When you're in college (undergrad), you see a plethora of just-legal kids rutting about like rabbits - just cos they can. Then, it's chalked up to 'freedom' and 'experimentation' and a whole bunch of other excuses for the same lack of self esteem and vaguely dangerous sexual practices.

When you're older - promiscuity is glamourized. Now I love Sex and the City as much as the next person, more even, but seriously - anyone who buys into that has some major issues. Fabulous and independent or not, Samantha has some major issues and you know it.

I could go on, and I will. But later.


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