Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Aaaand we're back!

1. Pillowmint is back up and running. Whee!

2. I love Steph. And Steff. For entirely different reasons.

3. I don't know what to wear to the 90's party. I don't even own ripped jeans anymore. Maybe I should channel Courtney Love circa '93 but I don't know where to get lipstick in 'wrung out junkie'. She's apparently dating Bruce Willis now. I know, I know. Too easy.

4. Boys are stupid. Viz, whom I love dearly, is not and amused me greatly today when I tried to vent some of my frustration by yelling about his gender backed off the argument immediately. This, from a man who will leap at the chance to dissect anything from religion to RSS feeds at a moment's notice and equates Javascript is dirty talk actually took a hit on the gender argument. I realise this means little to anyone else but it tickled me no end.

5. Family came, and went. And it was lovely. I think I saw more of Toronto this past week than I had yet. The CN tower even, which was a giant waste of money and time. I do recommend the hot dog guy at the base though, best $2 on junkfood I ever spent.


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