Thursday, April 19, 2007

What's that I smell? Oh yeah, rampant sexism

Seriously, WTF.

I should be working on my 601 presentation right now, but I'm still livid from our meeting earlier. As expected the 'grade allocation' did not end well, but it was not unexpected. Still, I fought the good fight, and if nothing else, I'm okay with that. Those that refused to take their dues - well, there's nothing left to say at this point.

I was arguing with Steph some weeks ago about whether or not sexism was a real threat. I didn't consider it as such, I figured, keep your head up, reality is what it is, you do your thing and so what if you have to work a little harder than people who think having a penis automatically makes you superior, just play the game right and you will win in the end.

But today I finally started to doubt myself. In my 601 meeting today, while trying to figure out this grading business, all the men ended up voting (after two of them changed their minds) to giving everyone an even '0', which meant that the person that deserved a higher grade would be gypped out of it. The women (3/4 of them were present) were clearly diasgreeing, and had yet to cast their votes on how to proceed.

One male member of this group actually had the gall to say that since all the men had already voted, we should proceed using the "Muslim" way - which means it doesn't matter what the women think as their opinions are valued less.

I lost it. I'd been getting mildly offensive comments from him all through this project, but ignoring them because I figured he (despite being a grown man) didn't understand social niceties. This time, I had to physically leave the room so that I wouldn't rail on him.

The sad, absolutely pathetic thing was that after I left, he was actually confused about why I was angry - to him that was a perfectly normal way to think, and after all, that was how things are done in 'his country'. Well, guess what (and I'm restraining myself from using expletives here), you ain't in Kansas anymore. And let me tell you, I've contributed a hundred times more value to this project than you have, and somehow, when I was picking up Your slack, you didn't seem to mind my opinions then, did you?

So, 20 minutes in the loo later, after splashing cold water on my face, finishing up the meeting, walking home in lovely weather, I'm still pissed off as hell.


At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetheart
We're survivors right? We can survive the emotionally challenged, the culturally deprived and the socially impotent. Why stop now? We know our worth.
Love you

At 1:20 PM, Blogger JK said...

heyy Roma baby, I had to say something because I am so utterly disgusted with this dude.
All I can say is, with an attitide like that, he is going NOWHERE.
(Do let me know who he is, so I can make sure that he is dropped off everyone's list :-P)

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Smoo said...

That people (both men and women) actually understand and support the idea that women have equal value, especially in this program, is enough for me. That person (and others similar to him) and their attitudes are their problem. Makes no sense to make a whole circus out of it - even though they shared them in a public forum, I need not do the same. Thanks everyone, for your support, whether you commented here or to me in private.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a A ... hole let me know who it is and he will be off my list toooo


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