Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the requisite 601 post

I've been ignoring the post-bunny telling me to update with every inch of my life as it happens, however I've had too much work, no energy and frankly, little inclination to do so this past week. 601 is semi-over - we have Phase 4 on Friday (which of course means I can't get Rockstar anything on Thursday), but after the fiasco that was the report submission process, I'm unsure of anything at this point.

I've been listening/ reading about some of the other experiences, and ours is going to be relatively genteel I think, to get to the 'sign off' for grade equivalency. Follies aside, I think everyone pulled their weight fairly equally (with some more than required) over the course of the two terms. At least we all tried to, each in our own special way. However, I was very unhappy with how things went this time, I know I'm not the only one that did work, but we should have performed more cohesively as a group.


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